In the previous article I have described different yoga bodies.

We all have different physical bodies, with our pros and cons depending on the constitution and ... the important things - state of mind and spirit.

Usually people associate a yogi with its physical body. There are several stereotypes about it. For example - slim / skinny, nowadays a white person, sinewy, flexible, split and a lotus are "must-do". Or an old man with beard wearing shabby clothes and a turban sitting in a lotus. That guys 100% knows something about life.

Actually there is no any standard of how a yogic body should look like to fit in the image. To have a yogic physical body you just need to 2 things:

1) to have a body

2) to make this body do yoga (any type / pillar / practice :)

As simple as that. Yoga in its broad sense is for everybody or every body. It is. The most difficult part is to tune the combination of the practicies which benefit you.

Take asanas for example. Not all the bodies can shape difficult asanas. But do you really need the one which is the most difficult to benefit ? The wide-spread quote "Practice, practice, practice and you get there" works but it won't bring every body (i mean physical bodies) "there". However a yoga teacher can get you closer to difficult postures through the lighter versions of it. Find the balance somewhere between and slowly expand your boundaries.

Yoga is an internal practice expressed externally (state of mind and spirit shape our bodies).

The act of puting the mat down and starting doing asanas first of all appears in a head, where all our needs, worries and feelings are born.